Crypto's banking issue isn't ironic.


Crypto's banking issues, aka Choke Point 2.0, highlight the need for banking reform.


Silvergate's issues highlight that crypto has a banking problem. Many crypto critics find it amusing that crypto, which was created to bypass the banking system, now requires banks to do so.


Banks and crypto can coexist, even in a hyperbitcoinized world. Honest banking can be a net positive, and just because the option to opt-out of using a bank exists with bitcoin or some other crypto doesn't mean that everyone will shun banks entirely.


There'll always be self-sovereign individuals who reject third parties, but billions of people rely on them. Bitcoin and crypto can foster a world with more honest third parties. More honest banks that keep money safe and provide credit are better than fewer honest banks.


Crypto companies need banks to "skirt the banking system".


This highlights the need to break up or skirt the banking system.A critical institution in a country can bring an industry to its knees with the threat of regulation.


This is currently happening in the United States.


The government is making an implicit promise of future regulation if banks don't comply with servicing crypto companies. The meaning of "shape up" is unclear.


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