double-spend attack work in crypto - Check lout the entire story here


Definition: A double-spend attack is an attempt to spend the same cryptocurrency twice by sending two conflicting transactions to the network simultaneously.


According to the DeFi protocol, different parties, including legal enforcement officials, are currently involved in the funds’ recovery process.


 Confirmation process: Cryptocurrencies require confirmation from multiple nodes in the network before a transaction can be considered valid and added to the blockchain.


Race condition: A double-spend attack exploits a race condition in which a conflicting transaction is broadcasted before the original transaction is confirmed.


Network propagation: The success of a double-spend attack depends on how quickly the conflicting transaction is propagated across the network.


Attack vectors: Double-spend attacks can occur through various attack vectors, including 51% attacks, Finney attacks, and Vector76 attacks.


51% attack: A 51% attack is when an attacker controls more than 50% of the network's hash rate, allowing them to control the confirmation process.


 Finney attack: A Finney attack is when an attacker creates a conflicting transaction in advance and includes it in a block they have mined, allowing them to broadcast it immediately after the original transaction.


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