Reasons for Today's Increasing Litecoin Price

The price of Litecoin (LTC 13.65%) has climbed nearly 8% in the previous 24 hours as of 3:40 p.m. ET after MoneyGram launched Litecoin trading and storage on its app

Litecoin has a smaller popularity and market cap, therefore the news didn't affect Bitcoin and Ethereum as much

Moneygram has served approximately 150 million individuals in the last five years, thus it has significant size to increase Litecoin awareness

Litecoin is an early cryptocurrency, created in 2011. At the time, it processed more transactions than Bitcoin

Since then, a ton of other blockchain networks have sprouted up, all attempting to boost transaction speed

Our award-winning analysts just unveiled the 10 greatest stocks to purchase right now... Litecoin was not

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