Tag: African crypto exchange

A comprehensive guide to understand, calculate rarity in the NFT market

NFT rarity measures a nonfungible token's uniqueness and scarcity using variables like demand and identifying characteristics. The article also discusses the NFT rarity...

Bitcoin ordinals and how they work

Bitcoin ordinals permit the inscription of digital assets, such as artwork, onto the Bitcoin network. The first month of 2023 saw the introduction...

How to start an African crypto exchange platform

Finding a popular payment provider will significantly boost your odds of gathering crypto traders. Securing your processes and different technical aspects of your...

How to start a crypto exchange platform in Africa

First and foremost is to understand that Africa's ecosystem differs significantly from the way of things in other continents Technical knowledge and budgeting...

African-based Roqqu crypto exchange acquires a blockchain license to operate in Europe

Roqqu Crypto exchange finally attained its Europen virtual currency license Its headquarters are in Lekki, Lagos state Nigeria, and it has processed over...

Yellow Card: First African exchange platform to get a nationally recognised virtual assets trading license

Yellow Card has done it again by becoming the first ever African exchange to receive a Virtual Asset Service Provider Licence to operate...