On the 25th of September, 2023, Mixin Network temporarily suspended all deposits and withdrawal services.
Several perpetrators breached its blockchain security and...
Cryptocurrencies represent a paradigm shift in the financial industry by providing consumers a new way to achieve financial freedom. Cryptocurrencies empower people to take control of their financial lives through decentralization, borderless transactions, investment opportunities, and increased anonymity.
Given the nascency of the crypto ecosystem, investors are advised to focus on the long-term benefits of Bitcoin while reaping short-term gains in the process. Nonetheless, it is critical to approach cryptocurrency investments cautiously, investigate, and be aware of the risks. Individuals can utilize this revolutionary technology to achieve financial autonomy.
Cryptocurrency miners get rewards with a portion of the currency every time they contribute new entries to the Bitcoin blockchain. This is known as the block reward. Bitcoin halvings remain an integral component of the protocol. They cut the block reward by half every 210,000 blocks. Due to the dynamic character of the Bitcoin blockchain, it is difficult to predict when future halvings will occur precisely.
The Metaverse is an ever-expanding pool of digital information exchanged at light speed, containing sensitive information on millions of users.
The social construct...
FTX, a major crypto trading firm, has filed a lawsuit in the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware, seeking over $700 million from investment firms it had previous ties with. The lawsuit, filed on June 22, contains 16 counts.
The defendants named in the lawsuit include K5 Global, Mount Olympus Capital, SGN Albany Capital, and individuals Michael Kives and Bryan Baum. They are accused of being involved in transactions that resulted in the transfer of funds from FTX-affiliated firm Alameda Research.
Wash trading is a form of illicit market manipulation where an entity buys and sells the same financial asset to create a false impression of market activity. This practice gained traction with the rise of electronic trading in the early 2010s, as algorithmic trading programs began churning trades at unprecedented speeds. This old illegal financial market trick has unfortunately found its way into the crypto industry.
The infamous Lazarus group bypassed their blockchain security and made off with $35 million worth of cryptocurrencies.
Roland Sade, Atomic Wallet's Chief marketing...
Threats such as the 51% attack are rendered obsolete given the sophistication of various control means such as Zero-knowledge mechanisms.
Certik has...
In July 2022, the Singapore-based crypto platform announced a collaboration with Cardano to help decentralize $ADA.
The organization tallied a loss of...
During the late 2000s, it became clear that cyber security became a concern for citizens rather than organizations.
Implementing decentralized DNSes minimizes the...
In 1971 when the world was experiencing Web1, the first iteration of the internet, the individuals tasked with developing it, accidentally created the...