Tag: Decentraland

Is the Metaverse on death row?

According to reports, only 58% of Meta's employees understand the company's metaverse vision. Mashable reported that Horizon World, another metaverse going...

How socially antisocial can the Metaverse be

The average price of a parcel of land in major metaverse platforms has increased from US$1265 to US$12684 Ubuntuland, Africa's Metaverse, is a...

Beyond Art: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are proving their value in the world of crypto

NFTs offer the potential for a variety of applications. They are, for instance, an excellent vehicle for digitally representing actual assets such as real estate and artwork. NFTs, since they rely on blockchains, may also be used to eliminate intermediaries and link artists to their fans, as well as for identity management. NFTs have the potential to eliminate intermediaries, streamline transactions, and generate new markets.

The metaverse economy: NFTs spur growth of societies within immersive virtual worlds

The economy in the metaverse banks relies on digital properties' authentication. These properties include one's metaverse home, automobile, farm, books, clothing, and furniture. The metaverse economy also requires the capacity to travel freely and trade between worlds with various laws and rules to thrive.