Tag: metaverse security

Animoca Brands teams up with Blockpass for enhanced web3 security

Animoca Brands has partnered with Blockpass in a strategic move that will redefine the standards of Web3 security and compliance. Blockpass brings...

Metaverse hacks that demand caution in 2023

In April, MetaPoint became the latest victim of a Metaverse hack, resulting in a $1 million loss. According to the 10th...

Understanding the flaws of Metaverse Security and where to improve

The Metaverse is an ever-expanding pool of digital information exchanged at light speed, containing sensitive information on millions of users. The social construct...

Blockchain Security Companies at the top of the industry

Threats such as the 51% attack are rendered obsolete given the sophistication of various control means such as Zero-knowledge mechanisms. Certik has...

The vulnerabilities plaguing Metaverse security

The thriving nature of the Metaverse has led to an increased number of scammers, fraudsters, zero-day attackers and crypto hacks. According to...

The Metaverse: Security threats within the Virtual Reality world

The Metaverse allows users to create a virtual avatar representing an individual within Virtual Reality world Unfortunately, these components can also serve cyber...