Tag: Virtual reality

Augmented Reality (AR) vs Virtual Reality (VR): Which One Holds the Future?

Augmented Reality overlays digital content onto the physical world, enhancing real-life experiences with virtual elements. Virtual Reality immerses users in entirely simulated environments,...

Virtual Voyages: Nissan Motors’ Educational Leap into the Metaverse

Nissan's Metaverse Studio is a virtual museum and educational center rolled into one. Nissan Motors launched the "Heritage Cars & Safe Drive Studio,"...

Metaverse Standardization Group: China’s Strategic Approach to Virtual Reality Regulation

The Chinese government announced the creation of the Metaverse Standardization Group. On September 11, 2023, MIIT unveiled the nation's ambitious Three-Year Action...

Futureverse and Warner Bros Create Readyverse Studios

Futureverse has collaborated with Waner Bros to develop a multi-metaverse called Readyverse Studios. Readyverse Studios is based on the renowned movie Ready...

MultiversX’s Mission: Rekindling the Fading Flame of the Metaverse

MultiversX has sought the aid of Google Cloud to boost web3 presence and ultimately save the Metaverse. The Romanian blockchain project introduced three...

Top Metaverse real estate platforms to purchase virtual land

Somnium Space is a top Metaverse platform built on the backs of top crypto platforms, Solana and Ethereum. Next Earth is a...

How the metaverse and NFTs could boost Africa’s economic growth

The metaverse evolution supports outstanding creativity and opens new prospects for businesses, brands, and the community. In Africa, vibrant tech start-up environments are already propelling job creation and economic progress. In the future, they will contribute to shaping and inventing technologies that will revolutionise how people live and work and influence the common digital future.

Is the Metaverse on death row?

According to reports, only 58% of Meta's employees understand the company's metaverse vision. Mashable reported that Horizon World, another metaverse going...

Top five virtual reality puzzle games built on web3 technology

Virtual Reality (VR) games have become one of the platforms with a huge userbase around the world The VR games provide a unique...

Virtual tourism: The power the Metaverse has in Africa’s tourism industry

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development stated that Africa had lost at least $170 billion in tourism revenue as of 2021. ...

Metaverse in Healthcare: Redefining Africa’s medical sector

According to Accenture's digital health technology Vision 2022, nearly 81% of healthcare executives were on board with VR in the medical industry.  Through...

African Metaverse: What it is and how Africa can benefit from it

The African Metaverse will also provide a platform for industries to showcase and advertise Africare, the first African Metaverse, opened its doors to...

NFTs and blockchain crucial in concept of an African Metaverse community

While the concept of a metaverse may seem like something out of a movie, something a bit too far-fetched, it has the support of...

The metaverse economy: NFTs spur growth of societies within immersive virtual worlds

The economy in the metaverse banks relies on digital properties' authentication. These properties include one's metaverse home, automobile, farm, books, clothing, and furniture. The metaverse economy also requires the capacity to travel freely and trade between worlds with various laws and rules to thrive.

The metaverse and the evolution of modern technology

The metaverse is a virtual space that connects several platforms, similar to how the internet connects various websites that offer access through a single...

The seven most important technologies driving the metaverse

The metaverse became the famous catchphrase after Facebook changed its name to Meta in October 2021. To prepare for Facebook's rebranding, the social media giant invested $10 billion in a new reality lab branch by 2021. The plan is to create metaverse content, software, and AR and VR devices, which CEO Mark Zuckerberg believes will be as common in the future as smartphones.