Building lifetime residual income through the Humanity NFT Ambassador Club

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  • Humanity Node Protocol(HNP) has run a blockchain-based extreme poverty eradication program for over four years, registering over 100,000 people
  • Humanity Nodes has become an accelerant for the DGDP of Africa by providing critical decentralized business architecture centred around issuing 300,000 Humanity NFTs and creating the 10,000 startups teams – African Startup League
  • These Humanity NFTs will be issued to 300,000 individual KYCd(verified identity) Africans in August 2022, who will serve as the operators of the 300,000 NFT business hubs

Humanity NFT Ambassador Club

Humanity Node Protocol(HNP) has run a blockchain-based extreme poverty eradication program for over four years, registering over 100,000 people. People register for free and earn a wage above the poverty line by performing one of these six tasks;

  • Recruiting
  • Coaching
  • Content creation
  • Sharing content
  • Verifying identity
  • Quality control.

During those four years, Humanity Node Protocol realized the biggest economic opportunity in the world; the acceleration of the multi-billion dollar decentralized Gross Domestic Product (DGDP) of Africa into the trillions.

Humanity Nodes has become an accelerant for the DGDP of Africa by providing critical decentralized business architecture centred around issuing 300,000 Humanity NFTs and creating the 10,000 startups teams – African Startup League.

Read: Partnership empowers 10,000 African startups to build technology solutions and businesses for Africa

Humanity NFTs to accelerate Africa’s growth

These Humanity NFTs will be issued to 300,000 individual KYCd(verified identity) Africans in August 2022, who will serve as the operators of the 300,000 NFT business hubs. The Humanity NFTs will operate as the 300,000 digital commerce hubs. The NFTs will facilitate decentralized financial transactions, goods distribution, and identity verification, among other offerings that generate income for the Humanity NFT owner and Humanity NFT royalty owners.

Humanity NFTs will also accelerate Africa’s growth of the D(ecentralized) GDP by providing the needed systems. Each Humanity NFT business hub is required to maintain at least 100 registered members at all times, ensuring the Humanity NFT ecosystem maintains a minimum of 30,000,000 participants.

Humanity NFTs generate income from all of its registered members’ activities, including converting time to crypto by doing tasks, all financial transactions, and all goods sold and distributed. They also generate income from getting people to stake with them and monetizing all startups created through their Humanity NFT in partnership with African Startup League.  

For more information, Go to our app here.

Why you need to buy the humanity token now
Why you need to buy the humanity token now!

Ambassador Club – Build Lifetime Residual Income 

The Ambassador Club is the precursor to the establishment of the distribution arm of the Humanity Node Protocol ecosystem. 

The distribution arm will be the exclusive direct network seller of goods to the humanity ecosystem members. 

Ambassador Club will have a maximum of 300 members.  The Ambassador Club members will all be seated at the top of the distribution structure upon establishment in September 2022.  

The first 300 HMN.BEQ holders with a minimum of 100 HMN.BEQ that they convert(sponsorship) will form the Ambassador Club. The Ambassador Club will split a 5 per cent Lifetime Royalty with the 300 top performers from the Humanity Node Protocol Network. 

Humanity Node Sponsorship 

To sponsor a Humanity NFT, one needs to own a HMN.BEQ token between August 8th and August 31st and then elect to convert that token into the two new assets – Humanity NFT (if you are eligible and have a registered profile) or earn money with all the income generated via the 4 per cent NFT Royalties for life and HNFT.EQ; the future token of the ecosystem.

Ambassador Recruiting Bonus Program 

For every coin that someone you register buys and converts, the referrer will receive a matching coin to convert – 1 for 1, and the referred will receive a coin bonus coin for every five he purchases (20% gift). The original referrer will receive a 2% royalty for every second-generation referral,. For example, see the chart below. 

humanity node protocol

Additionally, every coin you have and you convert as an Ambassador Club member is an NFT that will permanently place under you in the distribution tree. For example, Joe purchased 1,000 coins and earned 5,000 coins when Jennifer purchased them, giving him 6,000 coins to convert.

When he converts, he will receive 6,000 of our new coin HNFT.EQ and 6,000 4% Royalty NFTs. He will have 6,000 Humanity NFTs frontline to his distribution tree, each eventually with a 100 people minimum each. Therefore, Joe will have 600,000 people put in his potential downline day one. 

Read: The Humanity Protocol: A blockchain-based platform eradicating poverty in Africa through community service



I am a tech, business, and investment news reporter covering Africa. Most of what is good in Africa is obscured by preconceptions, yet there is still a lot of good going on. Technology is what is driving the continent and this is my passion. For Africa, I share the stories that are important to Africans.