The Symbiotic Web (Web 4.0) achieves the symbiotic ‘human- machine interaction dream’

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  • Web4.0 intends to create a WebOS, a middleware that will eventually serve as the global operating system.
  • Developers coined Web4.0 as the symbiotic web due to its primary functionality; to increase the symbiotic interaction between humans and machines.
  • The Symbiotic Web rigidly embraces the concept of a decentralized network.

To bring about the evolution of the internet, developers had to break down its fundamental aspects and completely redefine it. The result of abandoning the centralized concept led to the creation of Web3 or the Semantic Web. This new version of the internet focused on decentralization and providing autonomous functionality previously unattainable by its predecessor. This ushered in a wave of a new breed of developers focused solely on creating decentralized networks and automating smart contacts. The application of the web brought about decentralized finance, applications and technology. Soon the rave of a better version came to be Web5, which proposed a new form of automation that would usher in “true decentralization.” However, only some realize that Web5 has a predecessor, Web4.0 or the Symbiotic Web.

During the wave of innovations, web3 has improved both in performance and speed, so much so that the newly enhanced version is dubbed web4.0. Although what is the difference between the Symbiotic and the Semantic web? The Emotional Web has clearly defined its difference and dominance over web3. Thus what makes Web4 unique? Have we been branding Web4 as the Semantic Web due to its sophistication? Or is it simply a duplicate of its predecessor?

These are some of the questions we will be answering in this article.

What exactly is a Symbiotic Web

Throughout the tech world, technology has constantly improved with time. According to Moore, technology tends to improve every two years, resulting in a rapid wave of evolution. In the past two decades, right after Web2 finally gained global dominance, a new iteration came to be Web3.

The Semantic Web proved to be a more significant asset to the world than most realize it is ushering in a wave of innovation. Its rapid growth saw the birth of the Emotional Web or Web 5.0. However, due to the rapid adoption rate, many came to brand several Web4 technology as Web3, unable to realize the critical difference that separated both generations.

Web4.0 is the result of rapid developments and partnerships between different technologies and the Semantic Web. Unlike its predecessor, which craves global dominance, Web4.0 mainly focuses on increasing the mobility and interaction of several technologies.

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Developers coined Web4.0 as the symbiotic web due to its primary functionality; to increase interaction between humans and machines in symbiosis. One of the main reasons why many term Web4.0 technology as Web3.0 is mainly because its fundamental attributes take a leaf from its predecessors.

The Symbiotic web is the next evolution of the internet that intends to blur the interaction between man and machine.[Photo/Chain-Witcher]
To accomplish its symbiotic nature, Web4 has made the user experience more streamlined and frictionless through decentralized networks, AI and IoT. This generally means it eliminated the cumbersome nitty gritty developments issues of the Semantic web.

Its ability to steadily bridge humans and machines is so potent that it can create a circular crypto economy that transcends physical and digital boundaries. This means that it makes the need for fiat on and off ramp obsolete. This would disrupt the traditional finance system and rive a significant blow to Web3’s efforts to integrate with Web2.

The main idea behind this new technology was to provide a more decentralized and autonomous web. In doing so, developers could create an ecosystem that allows direct interaction between users and devices without intermediaries. You would no longer require third-party centralized companies such as Ethereum, Coinbase or any other exchange to transact crypto. When put into perspective, if we fully realize web4.0, it could build a collective intelligence that focuses on collaboration. 

The difference between semantic and symbiotic web

The evolution of the internet has always been a pattern of the departments of old innovations and the implementation of new ones. Web1 principles served the purpose of providing a Static web that allowed users to interact. However, its basic principles do not play a significant role in Web2 changing up its entire technical approach and design. The same pattern follows with web3 and web5, concluding that the predecessor’s technology did not suffice. 

Despite this trend, Web4.0 took an alternative turn to bring about the next evolution of the internet. Instead of discarding or adopting the applications of its predecessor, the Symbiotic Web did both.

Web4.0, or the Symbiotic web, is already an upcoming topic for most exchanges as it represents a more refined version of decentralization.[Photo/Binance]
One of the first critical differences between the Semantic and Symbitoc Web is its end goal. The end goal of Web 3.0 is to develop a decentralized network that empowers the user directly. The Semantic Web has encompassed various web usage and interaction options to achieve its goal.

It requires entirely replacing web2, containing many technologies and industries, to accomplish this. Web3 creates a meshwork between different industries or applications that ensures each user has some form of control. It enables various applications and services to essentially “share” information to provide a comprehensive pool accessible to all its users. 

The Web4, however, has an undefined end goal that potentially increases its scope significantly. As mentioned earlier, the Symbiotic Web want to blur the line of interaction between man and machine. To accomplish this feat, they try to make the interaction more possible and more accessible.

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It intends to create a WebOS, a middleware that will eventually serve as the global operating system. To blur the lines of interaction, the WebOS is similar to a human brain. It contains a vast network of brilliant connections that works decentralized, pooling information from each individual. AI is, in fact, a small-scale version of Web4.0.

Another significant difference between both evolutions of the internet is its applicability. Web3, so far, is the more dominant version due to its ability to co-exist with web2. Unfortunately, this has led to many controversial conversations stating that Web3 developers lost sight of their primary initiative.

Today the Semantic Web is used by various companies which heavily rely on Web2 technology to operate it. This brings about several issues, such as scaling, user adoption and interoperability. Furthermore, many have claimed that this approach has compromised its innate security capabilities.

On the other hand, the Symbiotic Web rigidly embraces the concept of a decentralized network. This evolution of the internet aims to build blockchain-based platforms that are uncontrollable by single entities. It, however, does borrow plenty of Web3 technology, such as blockchain, P2P networks and other infrastructures.

However, it is unable to integrate with Web2 technology. Unfortunately, This approach is a double-edged sword, benefiting and limiting its capabilities. Web4 truly applies decentralization and can create a decentralized economy. Here users can fully own their data and participate in decentralized marketplaces without worrying about additional costs.

Furthermore, it is more interoperable than its predecessor. The central concept o the Symbiotic is to connect multiple services and technology while increasing interaction with human beings. In doing so, it can accommodate various technologies while still maintaining its decentralized features.

The vast potential of Web4

This new evolution of the internet offers vast potential in innovation and how we view the concept of technology. By creating a more personalized experience, the user can attain new control over their data. This strengthens interaction not only between individuals but also businesses.

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In a nutshell, think of a global AI system that only supports the web while surrendering all control of its database to the user. This creates an entirely new pool of information and could benefit companies. It also borrows some of the benefits of the Semantic Web, such as enabling a user to earn directly from the network. Furthermore, its heavy reliance on blockchain and AI will open new doors for innovation in both fields.

Despite its potential, the Semantic Web still triumphs in the end. Its inability to integrate with web2 heavily weighs down its option for global integrations. Web4 offers a better opportunity for acquiring decentralization. It only requires finding a new way of implementing its functionalities. If it can accomplish this feat, we might usher in a further evolution of the internet sooner than expected.


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Ken Mutuku
Ken Mutuku
Your Guide to the Future of Tech, Web3, and Digital Storytelling. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for concise communication, Ken Mutuku is your go-to professional for decoding the next wave of technological evolution. Whether through captivating videos, insightful articles, or engaging presentations, he masterfully crafts messages that deeply resonate with his audience, setting him apart in the digital landscape.