Tag: DeFi examples in Africa

Impact of DeFi: Underneath the success lies potential risks

Defi applications represented the most significant segments in the continent's Digital Investment, with a total transaction value of $994.40 million. Kenya, Nigeria, South...

The emergence and significance of digital assets in Mozambique

According to Statista, the total transactional value of digital assets in Mozambique is expected to be $122.50 million by 2027 According to the...

Blockchain in insurance, the next step for DeFi

Insurance is a contract represented by a policy in which the policyholder receives financial protection or reimbursement against loss from an insurance company. ...

Is DeFi the right path for Africa’s economic growth

DeFi in Africa focuses on creating an immutable financial system that defies today's traditional financial system Mpesa made it easier by introducing digital...

The link between decentralised finance and African trade

Eventually, DeFi inventors and regulators must collaborate to grow this technology throughout Africa for optimal benefits. DeFi might provide inexpensive and quick liquidity pools for African merchants and SMEs, faster transactions, and enhanced security. And, for the last mile, DeFi may provide blockchain-based financial services that are inexpensive, if not free, quick, and accessible through any mobile phone.