Tag: Featured

Top ways to earn cryptocurrency for free

Cryptocurrency is becoming popular across the globe each and every day Many people are venturing into cryptocurrency  in a bid to trade and...

The power of trading bots: Turning average traders into pros

Trading bots are automated programs that help traders execute trades on cryptocurrency exchanges Statistics indicate that only 5 per cent of total trades...

Fan tokens foster symbiotic relationship between celebrities and their supporters

Fan tokens have been gaining fame amongst users in the Web3 world over the past year These tokens are quite different from the...

AI tools heighten safety and transparency in the NFT market

There are several risks in the NFT market due to the high increase in cyber theft To combat the risks, several AI tools...

African women leading a technological revolution in blockchain

According to UNESCO, only 30% of women in Subsaharan Africa receive STEM training. Alakanani Itireleng (Botswana, the Bitcoin Lady, is the most successful...

A comprehensive guide to understand, calculate rarity in the NFT market

NFT rarity measures a nonfungible token's uniqueness and scarcity using variables like demand and identifying characteristics. The article also discusses the NFT rarity...

Bitcoin ordinals and how they work

Bitcoin ordinals permit the inscription of digital assets, such as artwork, onto the Bitcoin network. The first month of 2023 saw the introduction...

Blockchain technology curbing the the faulty tax system of Africa

Kenya's government has increased its direct tax rate from 25% to 30% to recover the hard-hit economy. Blockchain application in the financial sector...

Cryptocurrency leader Binance facing scrutiny from U.S. lawmakers

Pressure has grown on cryptocurrency trading giant Binance over international breaches Binance has been a force to reckon with in the crypto world,...

How taxing can apply in the metaverse

There are millions of transactions taking place in the metaverse every day across the globe The metaverse transactions are not taxed considering is...

The Network Effect theory and its advantages to Africa’s web3 network

The Network effect theory states that the value of a product or service increases based on an increase in users. Bitcoin's value...