Angola’s Bold Move: Legislative Ban on Cryptocurrency Mining to Protect Energy Infrastructure

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  • Angola is on the verge of introducing a legislative ban on cryptocurrency mining, a decision propelled by the necessity to protect the nation’s electrical infrastructure.
  • The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) has taken a proactive approach to create a regulatory framework that balances the need for innovation with consumer protection.
  • Most African nations face challenges that limit their attractiveness for large-scale cryptocurrency mining operations.

In a bold move to safeguard its energy reserves, Angola is on the verge of introducing a legislative ban on cryptocurrency mining, a decision propelled by the necessity to protect the nation’s electrical infrastructure and ensure energy security. The Angolan government, recognizing the excessive energy demands of cryptocurrency mining operations, is preparing to implement measures that will not only outlaw such activities but also establish penalties for individuals involved in mining, including possible imprisonment.

Cryptocurrency mining, known for its high energy consumption, poses a substantial risk to the stability of Angola’s electrical system. The proposed legislation aims to mitigate these risks by criminalizing the possession and use of mining equipment, a step the government believes is crucial for maintaining the integrity of its energy supply.

This development highlights Angola’s commitment to addressing energy concerns and the emerging digital economy’s challenges. By taking a firm stance against cryptocurrency mining, Angola joins a growing list of countries grappling with digital currencies’ environmental and energy implications. The move underscores the importance of balancing technological advancements with sustainable energy practices, ensuring that the nation’s energy resources are preserved for future generations.

As the world increasingly debates the impact of cryptocurrency on global energy resources, Angola’s proactive approach sets a precedent for how nations can navigate the complexities of digital finance and energy conservation. The proposed ban is a testament to the country’s dedication to environmental stewardship and energy security, marking a significant step in its journey towards a sustainable future.

Cryptocurrency Adoption Across Africa: A Diverse Landscape

The African continent presents a diverse landscape regarding cryptocurrency adoption, with several nations taking varied stances towards integrating and regulating digital currencies. Unlike Angola’s restrictive measures on cryptocurrency mining, other African countries have embraced the potential of cryptocurrencies to enhance financial inclusion and stimulate economic growth. Here’s a look at some of the African countries leading the way in cryptocurrency adoption:

South Africa

South Africa is one of the continent’s cryptocurrency adoption and regulation leaders. The South African Reserve Bank (SARB) has taken a proactive approach to create a regulatory framework that balances the need for innovation with consumer protection. South Africa’s progressive stance has encouraged using cryptocurrencies for transactions and investments, making it a hub for cryptocurrency activity in Africa.

Also, Read Exploring cryptocurrency adoption in African languages.


Despite initial regulatory hurdles, Nigeria has seen a surge in cryptocurrency usage among its population, driven by the need for a more accessible and efficient financial system. The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) initially restricted cryptocurrency transactions within the banking sector. However, the growing demand for digital currencies to counter the country’s financial challenges has led to reconsidering these policies, with efforts underway to introduce a regulatory framework that supports crypto innovation.

Crypto mining is typically harmful to the environment because of the required energy and equipment. Hence, many governments and organizations opt for alternative means to interact with crypto.[Photo/Medium]


Kenya is another African country with a rapidly growing interest in cryptocurrencies. The nation’s embrace of digital innovation, particularly in mobile banking and payments, has set a solid foundation for cryptocurrency adoption. The Kenyan government and regulatory bodies are examining how cryptocurrencies can be integrated into the economy safely, reflecting a positive outlook towards digital currency solutions.


Ghana is making strides in creating a friendly environment for cryptocurrency adoption. The Bank of Ghana has indicated interest in exploring digital currencies and is working towards establishing a central bank digital currency (CBDC). This initiative reflects Ghana’s openness to digital financial technologies and its commitment to leveraging them to improve financial access.


Zimbabwe has shown a renewed interest in cryptocurrencies as a solution to its longstanding financial instability and currency challenges. With a history of hyperinflation and economic turmoil, cryptocurrencies offer an alternative for Zimbabweans seeking stable and accessible transaction means. The government has signalled a willingness to consider the regulatory frameworks that could facilitate cryptocurrency adoption in the future.

These countries illustrate the varied approaches to cryptocurrency adoption across Africa. While some nations, like Angola, are imposing restrictions to address specific concerns, others are exploring the potential of digital currencies to address longstanding financial inclusion issues and drive economic innovation. The landscape of cryptocurrency adoption in Africa is continually evolving, reflecting a complex balance between regulatory oversight, economic aspirations, and technological advancement.

Cryptocurrency mining is the computational process underpinning blockchain technology’s operation, facilitating the creation of new digital currency units and verifying transactions across a decentralized network. This process demands substantial computational resources, as miners use powerful computers to solve complex mathematical puzzles. Successful miners are rewarded with cryptocurrency, incentivizing the maintenance and security of the blockchain network.

Viability of Cryptocurrency Mining in Africa

The viability of cryptocurrency mining is significantly influenced by energy costs, as the operation of high-powered computing equipment requires a considerable amount of electricity. Countries with cheap and abundant energy resources are more attractive for cryptocurrency mining operations because lower energy costs can improve the profitability of mining activities. These conditions make it feasible for miners to sustain their operations and secure substantial returns on their investments in the necessary hardware and energy consumption.

In contrast, most African nations face challenges that limit their attractiveness for large-scale cryptocurrency mining operations. High energy costs, unreliable power supply, and limited infrastructure are significant barriers. Many African countries grapple with energy deficits, where demand outstrips supply, leading to frequent power outages and instability in the electrical grid. This environment is unsuitable for cryptocurrency mining, which requires continuous, high-intensity power usage to be economically viable.

Also, Read the Crypto state and regulations of Angola.

Additionally, the relatively high cost of electricity in many parts of Africa further diminishes the profitability of mining, making it less appealing compared to regions with lower energy prices.

Moreover, regulatory environments and government policies in some African countries may also deter the establishment of cryptocurrency mining operations. As seen in Angola’s move to ban cryptocurrency mining due to energy concerns, regulatory uncertainties and restrictions can pose additional challenges for miners.

In summary, the success of cryptocurrency mining operations is heavily dependent on low energy costs and stable power supplies, conditions that are not prevalent in most African nations. This discrepancy explains why cryptocurrency mining thrives in countries with cheap energy resources while facing significant hurdles in much of Africa.


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